Saturday, October 31, 2009

H&M's way to get fashion blog exposure

H&M is another fashion retailer that is successfully using e-marketing to its advantage. The Swedish company is using global online experience involving social media applications to help push its Autumn Fashion collection. This social media application was developed as part of the new website concept. This application, which is available globally on H&M’s website is called ‘Blog This’ and includes an easy to use tool that allows the user to create a collage out of their favorite clothes in the most recent H&M collection.

This is an example how it could look like:

Once the collage is done, the user can click on 'Post To Blog' and receives an image that can be posted on the fashion blog:

I see this social media application as a highly innovative and creative idea that will help H&M to increase its blog exposure. Besides that, users can put together their favorite outfits and automatically receive the total purchase price of the outfit. In countries such as Germany this seems to be an important feature, as customers can use the webshop to buy their favorite outfits right away. Good job H&M!


  1. It is always important for corporations to maintain a good relationship with media circle. Now they not only need to be friends with traditional media, also social media and whoever can publish and voice opinions to influence consumers. Social media is really influencing the business world.

  2. Neat blog, concise and informative for someone interested in fashion trends. Nice work Alena!

    I am not sure about the name of the blog though, and if it actually resonates with the reader. You might have trouble attracting traffic to the blog. But that is just a minor detail.
